16 September 2006

Phillip Henry 1 Reviewed by Optical Sloth

Optical Sloth
Reviewed by Whitey
Phillip Henry Foldy #1 (a.k.a. 25 cent Funny)
It's the origin story of Phillip! Oops, looks like I read the two shorties (this one is 4 pages as well) out of order. This is the story of how exactly Phillip came to leave Shannon's school in the third grade and, oddly enough, this one also deals a bit with boobs. It also makes me wonder a whole bunch about who Phillip grew up to be, assuming, as always, that he's a real person and not just a construct for the story. Either way, he's a great character. This goes into (brief) detail about Phillip going cuckoo bananas to try to fit in, or possibly just to get by. We learn that Phillip was a Wonder Woman fanatic, and there's no way in the world I'm ruining the punchline to this one. Again, what's not to like about a funny 25 cent comic?

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