I had a great time this past Saturday at Fluke in Athens, GA. This was my third year and the room seemed to be a bit more crowded than the past two years. I had a good day with the debut of my Bag of Savages 2007 Spring Blend. I probably could have sold more minis but I dedicated most of my time to talking to all my favorite peeps I don't get to see enough of. Brad McGinty, Josh Latta, J. Chris Campbell, Duane Ballanger, Rob Venditti, Andy Rutton, Patrick Dean (I could go on and on and if I were a better man I would post links to all their websites) ... in short, most of my favorite comics peeps were there and I was more focused on talking to all of them than standing my my table selling stuff. Besides, I work retail 40-plus hours a week so I'm not in my best pimpin' mode on my day off.
I filled up a pretty awesome bag (thanks for the bag Chris) of goodies. Some really amazing mini-comics. I've only read a few so far but I promise to review them later at my soon-to-not-be-top-secret review page I'm creating. Fluke is one of the smallest shows I go to but I always come home with the best stuff. The anthology is pretty good with a very nice cover. My contribution to the anthology did not come out all that great. My grey tones turned black but I'm just happy to be in a book that Johnny Ryan is in.
Great job Patrick, Robert, Devlin etc. for another great day in Athens!
Your best pal ever,
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